We have been accredited with the International Environmental Standard of ISO14001,
and promote environmental conservation-oriented management.

All of our business offices throughout the country have been accredited with the International Environmental Standard: ISO14001. We aim to reduce any adverse environmental impact at all our offices, needless to say, while our sales activities also aim to promote nature conservation-oriented management styles in an effort to enhance environmental and recycling related businesses.

Registration agency JIC Quality Assurance, Ltd.
Applicable standard ISO14001:2015
Registration No. E495
Registration date August 22, 2002
Office Osaka Headquarters / Tokyo Branch Office / Nagoya Branch Office
Scope of registration Business activities involving the domestic sale and export/import of nonferrous metals and related industrial materials

Environmental policy

Basic philosophy

We recognize our business activities as a trading company specializing in nonferrous metal businesses to be deeply connected to global environment issues and thus we have established this environmental policy, and through which we aim to exert every possible effort to conserve and improve the natural environment.

Basic policy

  1. We shall aim to make further efforts to ensure that our goods and services are even more beneficial to the environment.
  2. We shall ensure that preventive measures against environmental contamination are in place through promoting resource and energy conservation and reducing waste.
  3. We shall comply with all environment-related laws and regulations and any other requirements to which we have agreed to fulfill.
  4. We have established environmental goals in this environmental policy. While attempting to achieve those goals, we, through periodic revisions of it, shall also continuously strive to improve the environment in order to increase our performance with respect to our environmental activities.
  5. We will make all employees aware of this environmental policy.
  6. This environmental policy is open to the public.